The daughter of a surgeon and a domestic chef, Jenna Levine was raised on wellness. Discourse at dinnertime often centered around anatomy and the culinary arts, providing Jenna with a well-rounded appreciation for the fundamentals of functional medicine. No surprise that Jenna received a BA in environmental studies, followed by a certification in Native Plant Botany and Herbal Medicine. Today, her career meets at the intersection of environmental studies and art, a unique patchwork of passions that seamlessly weave together the art of science and the science of beauty. Guided by the principles of native plant botany and permaculture, Jenna’s philosophy is that 'natural' isn’t good enough. When selecting her ingredients, Jenna considers their native environment, harvesting season, and durability to ensure that each formulation promotes species diversity, environmental preservation, and ethnobotanical continuity. Inspired by Carl Von Linné, the eminent Swedish botanist and physician who made significant contributions to the classification of botanical species, this modern skin, and body care line features a roman numeral system and “step” protocol for easy and effective use.